Mercy Of Allah (SWT)

1.  An idol worshipper used to worship an idol named Sanam. He sat up calling the name “Ya Sanam” all night, and towards the dawn he started getting drowsy and so he mistakenly took one of the Glorious Names of Allah (SWT), “Ya Samad.” Allah (SWT) immediately turned His attention and asked, “What do you want My servant?” The angels said in astonishment, “O Allah, this is an idol worshipper and only took Your Name in forgetfulness.” Allah (SWT) said, “This person calls on these idols all night and they don’t answer him. What difference is there between Me and the idols if I don’t answer him either?”

2.  Hadith Qudsi says that Allah (SWT) said, “I was a hidden treasure, and I wished that I be recognized, and this is why I created.” Hence the reason for creation was love . Allah (SWT) created everything out of love, and therefore He loves what He has created. Subsequently He loves the believers even more intensely.

3.  Hadith says that the Messenger(PBUH) of Allah(SWT) was traveling and stopped on the way at a village. A woman was cooking at a fire nearby and he noticed that she constantly had to push her child back who would come forward. She said to the Prophet(PBUH), “I work with this fire all day, my son wants to play with it but I have to push him back all the time because I’m frightened for him. If Allah (SWT) loves us more than we love our children, how can He put us in Hell?”
Hearing this the Messenger of Allah(SWT) sat with his head bowed and his eyes filled with tears. He cried for some time and then said, “Allah (SWT) does not want to send His creation into Hell, but it is man himself who buys Hell for himself through his disobedience to Allah (SWT). He forgets where he has come from and who his Caretaker is. He does not seek forgiveness from his Creator.”

"O those of My servants who have transgressed against your own selves, despair not of Allah(SWT)'s's mercy. Allah(SWT) does forgive all sins, for surely He(SWT) is the most forgiving most merciful one." (39:53)

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